Thursday, March 4, 2010

KB WOD 3/4/10

600m Run
3x10 American Swing & Clean
400m run
3x10 Russian Swing & Snatch
200m Run


  1. Is it 3 sets of 600m run and 10 Swing and Cleans or 600m run then 3 x 10 Swing and Clean with rest between each set?

  2. philip-

    only do each run once. never rest.
    so you run 600m, then do 10 swings, then do 10 cleans on each arm, then do 10 swings, then do 10 cleans on each arm, then do 10 swings, then do 10 cleans on each arm. then run 400m. then do your swings and snatches with the same rep scheme as you did your swings and cleans. then finish the wod with a 200m run. hope that helps.


  3. Yep, Miller's correct..


  4. 13:10 with KB medley:
    14k Am. swings
    16k Russians
    12k cleans & snatches
    Randal - thx for the continued encouragement on the handstands - I'll get it yet!
