
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kettlebell Central brings home a win.

The double C's was well represented at Kettlebell Punch Gym long cycle competition. Kettlebell central came strong with seven members, being more then half the challengers in the competition. Carrie Bull, Samantha Mitchell, Dusty Trungale, Meliss Feliz, Sebastian Dure, and coaches Randal Setzler and Chris Hartwell. With ten minutes on the clock challengers began their long cycle of the clean and jerk. Steady and smooth setting the bell in a perfect reck position then snapping the body under the bell with a long arm overhead. Standing tall bringing the bell down to the reck and rolling back into a swing. Challengers are allowed one switch between hands. After first switch u are deducted total pounds of bell for each hand switch. Winner is most weight moved with least amount of hand switch.
The Kettlebell central team moved a total of 24,719lbs in 70 minutes. One member from the team walked away with a 2nd place finishand a hat. Carrie Bull swinging a 16kg bell totaled 120 reps and 14 hand swicth. For being the teams first kettlebell competition and new to the rules. We did a good job. Bringing energy and cheers to support everyone.

Dusty Trungale 12kg x 131 reps, 1 HS, 3275 lbs
Meliss Feliz 12kg x 84 reps, 12 HS, 2450 lbs
Samamtha Mitchell 12kg x 102reps, 0 HS, 2550 lbs (with a broken arm)
Carrie Bull 16kg x 120reps, 14 HS, 3675
Sebastian Dure 32kg x 40 reps, 5 HS, 2450 lbs

coaches score:
Randal Setzler 24kg x 84 reps, 21 HS, 3392 lbs
Chris Hartwell 24kg x 89 reps, 14 HS, 4028 lbs


  1. Great work double C's. It was awesome meeting up with you guys. Much Respect

  2. Thanks for Having us Henry and keep us informed about the next one! You have some strong beasts on your team. Great work!!


  3. Congrats dbl C KB... way to represent

    Crossfit Michiana Kettlebell Blast
