Friday, June 29, 2012

KU WOD 6.29.12



hip openers

WOD 1:

20 kb squats, hold the bell by the bell
10 russians
5 sa swings. l
5 sa swings, r

4 rounds  if you put the bell down during
a round that's 3 burpees for every time
the bell hits the ground.  do all of your
burpees at the end of each round before
starting the next round.


w 24
m 32

WOD 2:

12 minute amrap

25 ft rope pulls, on your back down, on your stomach back
9 in & outs
1-2-3 snatch to windmills (all left one round, all right the next...)

w 16
m 24


  1. 1: rx, although mercifully time
    was expiring as i was about to start
    my last batch of punitive burpees

    2: 3, rx

  2. 1 - I owed 6 burpees when time expired.
    2 - I'm pathetic at windmills, 3x.
