
Monday, July 2, 2012

KU WOD 7.2.12



WOD 1:

1 minute dual kb snatch
1 minute tabata burpees
1 minute dual kb jerk
1 minute tabata burpees

2 rounds

w 12
m 16

WOD 2:

15 americans
9 box jumps

1 minute rest

12 americans
12 box jumps

1 minute rest

9 americans
15 box jumps

you have 1 minute to complete
each round of swings and jumps.
if you fail to complete any round
then you owe a 100m sprint for
each round failed.

w:  12/16/24, 20"
m:  16/24/32, 24"


  1. WOD 1: combo of 12kg & RX
    WOD 2: RX, 100m sprint due to falling 4 jumps in last round.
    It was crap but over all proud of myself since I have only been to 1 workout in over a month.
