
Friday, September 14, 2012

KU WOD 9.14.12



15 russians
wheel barrow walk
5 box jumps

WOD 1:

3 dual bent over row
3 dual cleans
3 dual front squats
3 dual alt push press (6 total reps)
3 dual thrusters

7 sets

w:  12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 16, 16
m:  16, 16, 20, 20, 20, 24, 24

ideally do unbroken sets, and try
not to put the bells down when
working the same load.

WOD 2:

partner tabata wod
8 total minutes

power swing 20/10
lunge 20/10

total reps

w:  16
m:  24

WOD 3:

team wod

3 minutes of work with a sub every 1minute

seated sled pull
on the back sled pull
standing sled pull


  1. 1: rx weight, but not unbroken
    2: 273, rx with woody
    3: with randy and rachel, unsure of reps
    but good fun had by all.

  2. 1:16/20/22 not unbroken - couldn't eek out the thrusters on either set I did @ 22K.
    2: 275, rx - All I know is we smoked our male competition and they stated making accusation :)
    3: just went hard.

  3. 1. Rx weight but last two sets broken. The front squat - push press - thruster complexes were rough
    2. 273 Rx with Rob
    3. Pulled hard, also
