med ball 10 reps
chest, overhead, froward rotation, backward rotation
overhead sit up throw, jump blocks
warm up: dual kbell carriers
1. dual suitcase, one in the rack one suitcase, 50ft repeat alternate sides
2. dual rack , one overhead one rack, 50ft repeat alternate sides
3. dual suitcase, dual rack, dual overhead, rack, suitcase 50ft
Kettlebell GPP Wod: 4 RDS
7 burpees
50ft prowler sprint high side/low side
50ft sprint
20 kettlebell snatch
M:24kg W:16kg
Ex: complete 7 burpees followed by a 50ft prowler sprint then a 50ft sprint (no prowler)
finish with 20 kettlebell snatch. mix between low and high side prowler runs.
Kettlebell Underground Strength Wod: 3 RDS
Partner wod
bear crawl sled pull 25ft x2
max weighted push ups x
stone lifts x4
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